
The Benefits of Engaging with the H2BAR Community

Redheads Need Other Redheads!

ginger community

For centuries, redheads have been othered by society. That’s why it’s no surprise that something as simple as hair color can make you feel like a bit of an outsider. It can even be isolating if you’re the only redhead in your family or friend group. Finding a community of redheads is an empowering experience we think all redheads should have. 

Redheads worldwide have found ways to come together, like the Redhead Days Festival in the Netherlands or the Ginger Run Races at numerous universities around the U.S. on St. Patrick’s Day. Several universities have formed redhead clubs, like Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia. The University of North Carolina is following suit, with a Ginger Club of over 250 redheads started in 2023.

Not only do these redhead gatherings give people an opportunity to spend time with other redheads, but they are also forming supportive communities. Redheads share so much more than just the color of our hair. Our bodies react differently to pain and pain management. Redheads often suffer from skin issues due to having sensitive skin. We endure bullying, teasing, and harassment from a young age. These things are not studied enough, not talked about enough, and so many redheads don’t know enough about their bodies. Some young redheads don’t have role models to look up to or see themselves represented in media. Less than 2% of the population has red hair, so we are disadvantaged considerably. We have to share information, give each other tips, and create content that’s in no short supply for different hair colors. That is why redhead communities are so important. 

For redheads, building a sense of community can offer emotional support, foster a shared identity, and combat social isolation. It helps create a space where experiences of being a minority regarding hair color are understood and validated. This collective identity can strengthen resilience, provide a sense of belonging, and encourage celebrating unique traits, ultimately enhancing overall well-being and social connection.

In addition, a strong community allows redheads to celebrate and preserve their unique cultural aspects and traditions. It can also serve as a platform for advocacy and education, raising awareness about their challenges and promoting a more inclusive and accepting society. By delving into shared experiences and creating supportive networks, redheads can enjoy a more prosperous, more connected social life and build confidence in their individuality.

Here are 6 ways redheads can foster a sense of community:

1. Join the H2BAR Brand Ambassador Program: This is partially why we started How to be a Redhead all those years ago and why we’ve kept going. Not every redhead has access to a local group or even the desire to connect in person, but we all need the support. We need a place to ask questions, learn about our genetics, and feel seen, heard, and valued. Follow along on social media @howtobearedhead to connect with other redheads, advice, and support! If you want to be even more involved in the H2BAR community, join our NEW Brand Ambassador Program

2. Follow How to be a Redhead on Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube & Pinterest (we’re on all social outlets @HowtobeaRedhead)

3. Attend the Dallas How to be a Redhead Experience on 3.15.25 at the St. Patrick’s Day ParadeSign up here! 

4. Become an H2BAR Member: Did you hear the news, redheads? The Deluxe H2BAR Box is now the H2BAR Membership! We will still send out shipments every season, but they will now come with 3 custom items + 3 FREE merch items! You will also get many daily perks when you join the H2BAR Membership Program! We are so excited about this new change and want to share all the details with you + answer some of your questions. The H2BAR Membership is open! Sign up here 

5. Listen to the H2BAR podcast weekly: Each week, our co-founders interview a great guest to discuss all things redhead. Join in on the fun. Find us wherever you listen to podcasts! Subscribe on Spotify now

6 Mentorship and Support: Offer guidance and support to younger redheads or those new to the community, helping them navigate challenges and build their sense of belonging.

Rock it like a Redhead!


READ: What Being Part of the H2BAR Community is All About

READ: H2BAR Community: This Is Why We’re Thankful for You