You’re unique, your products should be too


Six Drugstore Steals You Need to Survive the Summer!

By: Olivia Volpe

With summer kicking into full gear and temperatures rising by the minute, I’ve put together of my top 6 drug store steals to help you maintain your ginger mane and fair skin this summer—and with everything falling below the $10 mark, these products will help you beat the heat at an unbeatable price!

1. Evian Mineral Spray: It may sound silly to keep Evian spritzers in your handbag, but when the temperatures spike above 100 and you’re stuck on the subway home, you’ll be thanking me for this one!  Just the right size to throw in a purse, these French water misters make you feel as refreshed as if you were on top of the Alps.

2. Covergirl LashBlast Waterproof Mascara: For days at the beach, on the boat or by the pool, nothing stands up to water like this mascara.  It’s one of my go-to products year round for defining my lashes, and the waterproof formula makes it a necessity for my beach bag.

3. Cherry Chapstick: Katy Perry said it all in her song, but there’s a reason everyone loves this classic.  It keeps your lips moist kissable and the pink adds a great hint of color (especially against fair skin) when heavier lipsticks seem like too much for those warm summer nights.

4. John Frieda Liquid Clear Shine Hair Glaze: This is a new edition to my laundry list of hair products, but it is by far my favorite.  Applied in the shower, it adds no extra time to my morning routine and it adds that extra needed shine and bounce to my hair that the summer sun can often take away!  The clear formula is perfect for making radiant red locks stand out even more.

5. Aloe Fresh Hydrating Lotion: Built in SPF 15 is perfect for fair-haired skin and the aloe formula is perfect for hydrating after a little too much fun in the sun!  This lotion pulls double duty working for your skin before and after sun exposure to keep your skin protected!

6. Goody Spin Pins: The best hair accessory to sweep hair off your neck and into a chic chignon.  Summer can take a serious toll on your hair due to the breakage that comes from dryness, hair ties and salty or chlorinated water—avoid all that and give your beautiful ginger strands a break with these harmless bobby pin substitutes that hold up even the thickest of manes.

Rock it like a Redhead! 
