You’re unique, your products should be too


Get the Holiday Party Started: Fashion and Beauty Trends for Your Festive Fiestas

By: Olivia Shea  Let’s face it, attending holiday party...
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Interview with the Makeup Artist from ‘Bridesmaids,’ ‘Desperate Housewives’

Sherilyn Stetz is a celebrity makeup artist who has worked...
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Liz Washer

Getting the Look You’ll Love

By: Liz Washer Raise your hand if this sounds familiar:...
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Confident Lifestyle

A Little Bit of Green to Enhance Your Red

There has been a ton of talk about green tea in the beauty...
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Brittany Henderson

In Honor of NYC Fashion Week: Rock A Great Boot

By: Brittany Henderson  Boots were all the rage...
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Confident Lifestyle

Staying Beautiful This Cold & Flu Season

By: Olivia Shea Some experts claim redheads have a weak...
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Glimmer & Glitter In Gold

By: Sarah Reeves All that glitters is GOLD and that rings...
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Arch Nemesis: Top Tips for Brilliant Brows

By: Liz Washer  Who doesn’t envy those lucky folks who...
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Read My (Red) Lips: 5 Tips For The Perfect Pout

One of the best makeup trends is the return of a bold lip.....
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Olivia Volpe

Style to the Max: How to Choose a Maxi Dress

By: Olivia Volpe Looking for stylish way to stay cool...
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Six Drugstore Steals You Need to Survive the Summer!

By: Olivia Volpe With summer kicking into full gear and...
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Hair + Beauty

7 Ways To Kick Your Pretty Ginger Immune System Into High Gear This Holiday Season

By: Guest Writer, Natasha Bell, from The Healthy Ginger Oh...
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