You’re unique, your products should be too

Redhead Celebrities

Secrets to Beautifully Balanced Radiant Skin

A recent How to be a Redhead reader asked, “Can...
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Four Easy Tips On How To Be An Instant Bronzed Beauty

Summer is officially here and what redhead doesn’t...
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Redhead Celebrities

A Review of BRAVE and Insight Into Merida, The New Disney Princess

By: Guest Writer, Lisa Ferreira  A Disney princess movie...
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Brittany Henderson

The Secret To Rockin' Shorts This Summer

By: Brittany Henderson Redheads, this summer is a scorcher...
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Milk Your Fair Skin With This Miracle Cleanser

Every girl knows the take-off-your-makeup routine at the...
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The Summer Glow You Always Wanted

By: Guest Writer, Dana Danziger Now that summer has...
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Pump Up Your Red Look: Inspired By Disney Pixar’s New Movie, Brave

Approximately 13% of Scotland’s population are...
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Products to Tame Your Red Tresses

Updated: November 2nd, 2023 We redheads knows first hand...
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Basic Benefits And Uses of Neem Oil for Red Hair and Sensitive Skin

Edited: May 13, 2022 By: Jennnifer Haynes Neem oil is...
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Redeem Coarse, Damaged Hair

Women love to find and use hair products, but let’s...
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Liz Washer

Makeoffing: The Art of Taking It All Off

By: Liz Washer How you take it off is just as important as...
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Jennifer Haynes

Revitalize Your Freckled Skin

  By: Jennifer Haynes Being a redhead means really...
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