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3 Classic Redhead Styles We Should Embrace

By: Rosemary O. Fernandez

When many people think of redheads, a few styles automatically come to mind. Dare we even say they’ve become a bit stereotypical? Wild red curls: seen them a hundred times in movies set in the British Isles and on the covers of trashy 1980s romance novels. Red braids: practically every little cartoon redhead has them. The I Love Lucy updo: can we even count how many times we’ve seen them on Halloween? 

Perhaps you once groaned when hearing people suggesting you try of these styles. Well, I say, groan no more! There’s a reason these looks got attached to redheads: Because they’re classic, iconic even. Ladies, we should embrace them.

Here are some easy tutorials to get started.

1. Braids:

Thanks to The Hunger Games phenomenon, braids are totally trendy right now, and there are a zillion different things you can do with them. You don’t have to limit yourself to the stereotypical pigtail braids of Pipi Longstocking or Anne of Green Gables (although with the right outfit these can be beyond cute). Here are a few fun options produced by How to be a Redhead:


Rope Braid: 

Crown Braid (my personal favorite):

2. Wild Curls.

The pin-straight craze seems to be over, and curls are back in. Now you don’t need to go with tight cap curls Little Orphan Annie (but rock it if you want to) or the not-even-brushed Merida from Brave look. Yet, curls that look wild but are actually under your control are an easy way to add volume and give the tousled “I just woke up and my hair is perfect” appearance. Plus, you open yourself up to myriad stunning updos once you get the curls in place.

Really easy long hair curls. Plus this guy is fabulously French:

How to pin curl:

Short hair option:

3. I Love Lucy.

Lucille Ball was just as famous for her poodle do as she was for her comedic genius and situations about which she had “some splainin’ to do.” Fortunately, vintage is vogue, so you don’t need to feel at all self-conscious walking around looking like you stepped out of the ’50s. You’ll probably get some compliments.

Lucille Ball look for short hair: 

And one for longer locks. This one isn’t difficult, but make sure you have a lot of time before you begin:

Happy styling & Rock it like a Redhead! 
