You’re unique, your products should be too


How to be a Redhead Turns 3: Thank You Note from the Co-Founders

Just 3 years ago, we launched in a small Boston apartment. We had so many dreams and aspirations for the brand; but no one had ever created a lifestyle brand for redheads before, so it was up to us to pave the road. On this very day 3 years ago, we sat together and jotted down goals and aspirations for How to be a Redhead. It took us almost 1,095 days, over 9,000 hours of work and a move to New York, NY to get it all accomplished. But, wow! We did it and it was worth every second.

We want to say thank you to our loyal followers. We have put in all of our hard work because of you. We love waking up each day knowing we’re empowering beautiful redheaded women throughout the world.

In 3 years, we have grown from a tiny blog to a website & brand. We’ve grown from zero social media followers to over 100,100! Our website garners daily views from redheads all over the world — Australia, UK, Europe, South America, Africa — and of course, our home base, the United States. We have a team of over 21 writers, a small staff of dedicated employees & have partnered with the top beauty companies in the world.

How to be a Redhead’s shop has grown from 1 t-shirt, to a line of redhead hair accessories and apparel. (Hint: Wait until you see what’s next!)

Thank you for a successful first Rock it like a Redhead event in March of 2013. We are so excited about the premiere of our 2014 Rock it like a Redhead Beauty Tour. We’ll be visiting 5 select cities in the United States this spring. Stay tuned!

Just today, we sat down and wrote out our goals for the next 3 years. But this time, it’s more exciting than ever. Why? Because we have you all behind us on our journey. Get ready for some extra fabulous redhead fun.

To give a proper THANK YOU, use the coupon code below to receive 15% off our shop until midnight tonight, EST.



Red Wishes,

Adrienne & Stephanie

