Sam S.

Freckle Face – Sun Protection Throughout The Seasons

By: Sam S.

Truth be told, as both a redhead and a Canadian girl, I have worn hats and sunglasses throughout the ever changing seasons to not only protect my skin, but also to protect my eyes and my red hair; all of which are readily exposed to the environment, including the sun’s damaging UVA and UVB rays. Your skin is the body’s largest and most vulnerable organ. Proper sun protection is good practice for everyone, and especially important for femmes that freckle!

1. Winter UV Rays vs. Summer UV Rays (and the seasons in between)

A few years ago, my eye doctor saved my sensitive skin. She informed me that not only are the sun’s UVA and UVB rays strong in the summer, but the UV reflection from snow is a big one to also watch out for. Fresh snow is a particularly good reflector and almost doubles a person’s UV exposure.

READ: Six Tips to Keep Your Fair Skin Protected All Winter Long

2. Cloudy With a Chance of Sunburn

If you see cloudy weather, you might think twice about grabbing your hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Did you know up to 80% of solar UV radiation can penetrate light cloud cover? Always remember to cover up, grab that hat and apply sunscreen.

3. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) Debate

As a redhead with fair skin, I have happily found and trust the benefits of my Aveeno Sunscreen with SPF 30. My dermatologist recently settled the ongoing debate of which SPF is necessary for maximum protection from sun exposure. She advised me that an SPF 30 is all we need, and that anything higher than this becomes irrelevant, and also more expensive. A word to the wise: SPF 30 blocks roughly 97% of UVB rays and and SPF 15 blocks roughtly 93% of UVB rays. So instead, save your money on expensive, high SPF sunscreens so you can spend it on other ‘redhead friendly’ items.

Read more about the SPF 30 debate right here.

Enjoy the sun throughout the seasons and Rock it like a Redhead! 

Photo Credit: Dmitry Agtev