You’re unique, your products should be too

Hair + Beauty

5 Best ‘Redhead Friendly’ Eyelash Serums

Edited in February 2020 Most natural redheads understand...
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Confident Lifestyle

Nutrition and Healthy Skin

By: Guest Writer, Kimberly Bither, M.S. We often think of...
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Milk Your Fair Skin With This Miracle Cleanser

Every girl knows the take-off-your-makeup routine at the...
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The Summer Glow You Always Wanted

By: Guest Writer, Dana Danziger Now that summer has...
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Jennifer Haynes

Aloe Vera – Summer Insurance Policy for Redheads

By: Jennifer Haynes It is rumored that aloe vera was one of...
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Quick Guide: Don’t Let Dark Spots Get You Down

By: Guest Writer, Susan Ciminelli, Owner of Susan Ciminelli...
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Jennifer Haynes

African Beauty For Redheads

By: Jennifer Haynes This soap originated in Ghana, Africa...
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Liz Washer

Using Color Theory for Corrective Redhead Makeup

Lavender primer? Green concealer? The array of weird colors...
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Dermatologist Claims Redheads Are "Three-Time Losers"

By: Guest Writer, Dr. Leslie Baumann M.D. Harvard...
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Basic Benefits And Uses of Neem Oil for Red Hair and Sensitive Skin

Edited: May 13, 2022 By: Jennnifer Haynes Neem oil is...
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Redhead Celebrities

Good Genes.. or Botox?

Have you noticed that redheaded women have less...
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Jennifer Haynes

Benefits of Shea Butter for Delicate, Redhead Skin

Shea butter is an excellent multi-purpose moisturizer that...
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