
The 10 Best Sunscreen Picks For Redheads in 2015

If you’re a redhead with light skin, sunscreen is probably your best friend. Not only does it protect your skin from those extremely painful sunburns, but it also keeps you looking younger. We set the record straight about sunscreen a few years back — it’s essential to apply enough & make sure the sunscreen covers both UVA & UVB rays.

READ: High SPF Sunscreens – Why They’re Not Better

We’ve tested and deemed 10 sunscreen brands ‘redhead friendly‘ for 2015. Click the product photos below and scroll through our favorites:

READ: The Best Sunscreen Sticks for Redheads 

Remember, evidence shows that infrared rays, which are not blocked by sunscreen, can cause damage to skin cells; meaning, increased sun exposure leads to skin cancer even if you wear sunscreen. It’s essential to re-apply many times, cover up, wear hats .. and Rock it like a Redhead!