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Ask a Redhead: Are Animals and Insects More Attracted to Redheads?

We're breaking down if it's MYTH or REALITY

redhead bees

Every week, we put out a call for your redhead questions. This gives you a chance to get advice or input from our team of redheads. From beauty and fashion to lifestyle, redheads are in a unique boat, and we want to help make this community a place where you can turn for all your redhead needs.

We got a question from Instagram that read, “Are bees more attracted to redheads?” This is a super common question that people have, and bees aren’t the only insect redheads have been wondering about. There is a popular myth that redheads attract more attention from certain animals and insects. There are a few different animals and insects that are said to be more attracted to redheads than they are to blondes or brunettes. The three most common are bees, hummingbirds, and mosquitos. If you’ve heard this before, you’re probably wondering why. The answer you’re most likely to get? The color! But it might be more complicated than that. Here’s a summary of what is often said. We’re breaking down if it’s myth or reality.


– Myth: Redheads attract more mosquitoes.
– Reality: Mosquitoes are more attracted to individuals based on the carbon dioxide they exhale, body odor, body heat, and certain chemicals in their sweat. Mosquitoes do favor the color red, but the idea that mosquitos prefer redheads specifically is a myth. The color red may attract the mosquitos to you, but the reason they bite you has more to do with your carbon dioxide levels, body heat, odor, and blood type. Redheads may also be more prone to noticing mosquito bites or becoming itchy due to having sensitive skin. 

Bees and Wasps

– Myth: Bees and wasps are more attracted to redheads.
– Reality: Bees and wasps are generally attracted to bright colors, floral patterns, and scents. There’s little research on this topic, but it’s believed that the reason bees are attracted to certain people has more to do with the way redheads smell than the way that they look. Red hair may blend in better amongst the flowers, but a sweet smell, whether artificial or natural may be the cause of a bee’s attraction. It’s been said that redheads naturally have a sweet, musky scent which may be what’s bringing the bees around. 


– Myth: Fleas prefer redheads.
– Reality: Fleas are more likely to infest animals, but they can bite humans regardless of hair color.

Cats and Dogs

– Myth: Cats and dogs show a preference for redheads.
– Reality: Animals like cats and dogs usually respond to human behavior, scent, and body language rather than hair color.


– Myth: Birds are more attracted to redheads.
– Reality: Birds might be attracted to bright colors, but this is more likely due to their attraction to potential food sources or nesting materials rather than a specific preference for red hair. When it comes to hummingbirds, the answer is color. Hummingbirds see more colors than humans do, and are highly sensitive to colors in the red and yellow range, while cooler-toned colors are more muted. This isn’t the only reason hummingbirds prefer the colors red and orange though. These colors symbolize food, as many flowers in the red to yellow range are high in nectar. 

There you have it! These interests may be piqued by your red hair, but their instinct goes further than a hair color preference. 

Want your redhead question answered? Find us @howtobearedhead on Instagram and Facebook and look for the Ask a Redhead question box.

Rock it like a Redhead! 


READ: Are Hummingbirds Attracted to Redheads More Than Blondes & Brunettes?

READ: Ask a Redhead: All About Ginger Genetics
