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Hair + Beauty

4 Ways for Redheads to Combat Seasonal Dry Skin

Bye Bye, Dry Skin!

dry skin

Dry skin patches are widespread as the seasons change. Redheads with sensitive skin may be even more prone to dry skin in the fall and winter months. Dry skin can be annoying and painful and even lead to skin damage. Keeping your skin hydrated, soft, and healthy is super important, and we have some tips on how to do so. 

1. Swap out your products

The products we use to keep our skin happy in the summertime don’t always work in the fall and winter. Summer products are usually lightweight and maybe a little less hydrating. This is because we don’t want heavy products weighing us down and making us sweat. Swapping over to heavier products can benefit your skin in the fall and winter. Consider adding hyaluronic acid and ceramides to help your skin retain more moisture. 

Adjusting your skincare routine to combat dryness is essential as the weather cools. Here are some products to consider adding:

  1. Hydrating Cleanser: Look for a cream or oil-based cleanser that won’t strip your skin of moisture.
  2. Gentle Exfoliant: A mild exfoliant, like a lactic acid or enzyme-based product, can help remove dead skin without being harsh.
  3. Hydrating Toner: Opt for an alcohol-free toner with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or rosewater for added hydration.
  4. Serum: To deeply hydrate the skin, choose a hydrating serum with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or vitamin E.
  5. Facial Oil: Incorporate a nourishing facial oil (like jojoba, rosehip, or argan oil) to lock in moisture and provide an extra layer of protection.
  6. Rich Moisturizer: Use a thicker, cream-based moisturizer that contains ingredients like shea butter, ceramides, or squalane.
  7. Overnight Mask: To boost moisture while you sleep, consider using a hydrating overnight mask once or twice a week.
  8. Sunscreen: Remember to use broad-spectrum sunscreen; UV rays can still damage your skin in the winter.
  9. Lip Balm: To prevent chapping, hydrate your lips with a rich lip balm containing beeswax or lanolin.

Incorporating these products can help keep your skin hydrated and healthy throughout the colder months!

2. Focus on problem areas

You may experience overall dryness or have skin that gets dry in certain areas. Focusing on these problem areas and giving them extra TLC can greatly help. Some areas where you may notice seasonal dryness include: 

  • Scalp
  • Lips
  • Knees + elbows
  • Hands + feet 

For your scalp, you can introduce a scalp treatment into your routine. One with apple cider vinegar may help to prevent season flakes. Use a hydrating lip balm often + a heavier treatment like Vaseline at night for your lips. Apply a heavier lotion immediately after bathing and before bed for your knees and elbows. Exfoliation can also help with dryness. For your hands and feet, try using a heavy moisturizing cream and putting on some gloves and socks to lock in the hydration. It’s also important to moisturize your hands after washing them. 

3. Decrease shower time + temp

Long, hot showers are a dream in the colder months, but they may be the leading cause of dry skin. Slowly turn the shower temperature down and keep your shower for around 10 minutes. Instead, use a towel warmer (or your dryer) to prep a nice towel to enjoy afterward. Then lather up with your body lotion while you’re still damp to trap in the moisture. 

4. Use a humidifier

Adding a humidifier to your home can do wonders if you’re struggling with dry skin. It will add humidity back into the air and help your skin to be softer and more hydrated. Swapping out products isn’t enough for many people with severe dry skin. Humidifiers can be expensive, but they are well worth it for keeping your skin from dryness and irritation. 

Choosing a cool-mist humidifier to maintain moisture without raising indoor temperatures is best. Aim for a humidity level between 30-50% and monitor it with a hygrometer. Regular cleaning is essential to prevent mold and bacteria buildup, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You can place the humidifier in a central location for even moisture distribution, and consider running it at night to combat dryness and improve skin hydration, especially during winter. Using distilled water can minimize mineral buildup and keep the air cleaner. Additionally, layer your skincare by applying a moisturizer after hydrating serums to lock in moisture, and remember to drink plenty of water to support hydration from the inside out. Following these tips, redheads can keep their skin fresh and hydrated!

Rock it like a Redhead!


READ: 4 Ways Redheads Can Conquer Dry Skin This Winter

READ: 3 of the Best Ways to Combat Dry Redhead Skin This Fall
