
10 Moments Every Redhead Has Experienced

1. The moment you realize you’re the only redhead in your group of friends.


2. The moment that annoying someone asks, “Can I touch your red hair?” or “Is your red hair natural?”

3. The moment when you look around and realize you’re the only redhead in a room.


4. The moment when you GINGER snap.

Don’t mess with a redhead 😉

5.  The moment you see another redhead out in public and smile at each other.

Yes, we’re a secret club!


6. The moment you start loving and supporting every single redhead out there.

Do you secretly watch every film starring Julianne Moore + Jessica Chastain? Us too.

7. The moment you find out Love Your Red Hair Day actually does exist.

Mark in your calendar, it’s November 5th and the day was created by How to be a Redhead! 

8. The moment you meet someone, think they are attractive and then they say, “I have a thing for redheads.”

Where’s the door? 


9. The moment you look at your red hair in the mirror and smile.

Life is good.

10. The moment when you know you were blessed with the best hair color… ever.


Rock it like a Redhead! 

