You’re unique, your products should be too


Unicorn Makeup Is All The Rage And Redheads Should Be Excited

Instagram loves this new trend.

Redheads are like the unicorns of women, except they really do exist.

In the recent years, more beauty companies have begun targeting redheads –– and we’re so thankful. We’re now seeing products with ‘auburn’ shades, and even have redhead color depositing shampoo and conditioners to choose from.

It looks like hair and makeup companies are realizing redheads really do exist.

To add to the buzz, the social media world (specifically Instagram) has a sudden obsession with unicorns. Okay, a big obsession. Maybe it’s because unicorns are rare and unique, and that in itself is intriguing.

Unicorn lipstick. Unicorn candy. Unicorn bakeries. Unicorn, unicorn, unicorn…

Redheads frequently use a unicorn emoji to describe themselves (because we don’t have a redhead emoji yet), but could this be a way for companies to recognize redheads, in a fun and magical way too?

We think so.

Take a look at a few unicorn inspired makeup products we’ve discovered on Instagram:

wet n wild Beauty Color Icon™ Rainbow Highlighter, $6

Too Faced La Creme Color Drenched Lip Cream – Unicorn Tears, $22

Lime Crime Diamond Crusher Lip Topper, $20

Farsáli FARSALI – Unicorn Essence, $54

Located in the heard of Brick Lane, London, ‘Not Another Salon’ is an ultra-unique salon doing ultra-unique styles like this one:


READ: 20 Reasons You’re Obsessed With Your Red Hair

Would you rock any of these products or looks? Rock it like a Redhead! 
