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Redhead of the Week

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    Meet Maci

    Maci is 12-years-old and lives in Texas. “I love being a redhead because it is so unique,” she says. “Only 2% of the population has red hair, so basically I’m a unicorn.” She prefers if her red hair is as big as possible, so everyone can see it. She exuded her pride even more when she attended the How to be a Redhead’s Rock it like a Redhead event in Austin,TX in April 2015.

    As she gets older, she loves being a redhead more than anyone because it’s bright and beautiful.  She especially appreciates how the ends of her hair turn from a vibrant red to a brilliant gold in the summer. “It’s an ombré to be embraced,” she concludes.


    Maci photographed with her mother at the Austin RILAR Event in April 2015.
    Maci photographed with her mother at the Austin RILAR Event in April 2015.